If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact us by writing to support@favvote.com
Account deletion cannot be undone.
You can delete your account from within the FavVote app.
Or you can submit a deletion request via our DeleteForm. After reviewing your request, we will send you a confirmation email so we can verify that you are the account owner. Once we verify that you are the account owner, your account will be permanently deleted within 15 days.
About Copyright
If you believe that any content on FavVote violates your copyright, fill out and submit the CopyrightForm. If you are unsure whether the content you plan to report violates your copyright, you may want to seek legal advice first. In the event of a false statement, you may be held liable for any costs incurred by us or our users. Any other use of this form will not be considered.
About Trademark Infringement
If you believe that any content on FavVote violates your trademark, fill out and submit the TrademarkForm. If you are unsure whether the content you plan to report is infringing, you may want to seek legal advice first. If you make a false statement, you may be held liable for any costs incurred by us or our users. Please note that we may forward the information you enter on this form to the user who posted the content you are reporting. If you are concerned about your information being passed on, you may want to use the tool instead. Any other use of this form will not be considered.